Smartie Coin Phase
One Road Map 

List In Mining Pools Stats

Listing in mining pool stats give a lot visibility to a lot of mining pools and popularity. Done in 02/04/2024.

Integration  &  Partnerships

Explore partnerships with youtubers, merchants and services for Smartie Coin integration.

Education and Adoption

Launch tutorials to increase awareness about Smartie Coin. 

Focus on user-friendly materials to encourage adoption by a broader audience. Done in 02/02/2024

Launch and Mining Kickoff

Announce the Smartie Coin project and release the wallet.

Begin mining with a 10 Smartie Coin reward per 60-second block. Done in 01/29/2024.

Community Engagement

Establish official communication channels (website and socials media).

Encourage community participation through mining, discussions, and feedback. Done in 01/29/2024.

Listing on Exchanges

Apply for listing on XeggeX exchange to increase accessibility. Done in 02/01/2024.

Smartie Coin Phase
Two Road Map 

Master Node Integration

We are working to bring master nodes to Smarties for transaction verification, instant transactions, stability, and voting on network decisions. Done in 05/22/2024.

Payment Gateway and API

After master nodes launch, we are going to work on bringing payment gateways and APIs to make a lot of utilities for Smarties and to anyone who wants to use Smarties as a payment method, for example, e-commerce or any business that wants to integrate Smarties as a payment method. 

Business Adoption

After we are done with the payment gateway and launch, we are going to look for any businesses or partners that are interested in using Smarties as a payment method. Our main goal is to archive a big utility for smarties.

Get Listed In More Coin Trackers

We know the importance of being listed in coin trackers such as Coin Gecko and Coin Market Cap. We are going to continue seeking utils once we get listed.

This road map can be changed as Smartie Coin community request follow us on Discord !!!

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